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Stepping Up Your Job Search

Should You Disclose a Chronic Illness in an Interview?

If you have a chronic illness, should you disclose it when you're interviewing for a job? This guest post, written by a career coach for people with chronic illnesses, addresses a guideline you should follow.  More »

Over 40? Under 30? How to Fight Age Stereotypes

No hiring manager would dare admit it, but if they were asked to envision the ideal job candidate, they'd probably picture someone in their 30s (old enough to understand the ways of the workplace, but not so old that they're set in their ways). If you're a job seeker under 30 or over 40, here's how you can recognize and overcome age-related stereotypes.  More »

Summer Jobs Aren't Just for Students: Start Looking Now

We usually think of high school kids or college students when we think of summer jobs. But if you're unemployed or need some extra income, the summer job market may be for you. You might end up working side-by-side with teenagers, but these jobs are open to people of all ages and career levels.  More »

Do You Need a Job Search Coach?

The value of having a seasoned set of eyes looking at what you're doing cannot be overstated. That's especially true when your job search requires different skills: resume writing, web searching, personal networking, and interviewing.  More »

Tax Tip: Job Search Expenses Are Deductible

Good news for U.S. income tax filers: The money you've spent on your job search may be deductible on your federal taxes (For Pongo members, that includes the cost of your Pongo membership!). Of course, nothing is simple when it comes to the tax code. With the April 15 tax deadline just weeks away, here's what you need to know about the tax deductibility of job search expenses.  More »

College Grads: 3 Golden Keys to Job Hunting

So, you're just a few months from graduating college and you're looking for your first real entry-level job. How should you go about your job hunt? Don't just send your resume to every employer you can think of. There are three golden keys to job hunting for recent or soon-to-be college graduates: focus, consistency, and change.  More »

Meet a Formerly Self-Employed Guy Who Just Got a Job

Mike (age 44) had been self-employed as a painter and handyman for the past few years, but was ready to return to the world of steady paychecks and benefits. About six weeks ago, he applied for a job as a facilities maintenance manager, as he'd done dozens of times before. But this time was different. He got the job! Here are a few of the things he learned during the job search process.  More »

Looking for Temporary Work? Try These Tips

With the nation's unemployment rate still around 10%, many out-of-work job seekers are facing, or already experiencing, many weeks or even months without a steady paycheck. If you're in the middle of a long layoff, consider a temporary a contract assignment. Here are tips on how you can land one.  More »

Is College Still the Surest Path to Success?

Who says you need a college degree to live the American Dream? Over the last 25 to 50 years, many parents have stressed an agenda that included going to college, earning a degree, and moving on to make beaucoup bucks in the workforce. But there will always be a need for skilled tradespeople who don't need to go to college.  More »

Why and How to Find a Summer Internship

If you're on the fence about summer internships, here are seven really good reasons you should do one while you're still in school. And while I'm at it, here are a handful of ways you can find one today.  More »
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