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Stepping Up Your Job Search

People Are Lazy (Which is Good for Your Job Search)

If you're a fan of the TV show House, you know Dr. House lives by one theory: Everybody lies. For job seekers, there's a different theory you should live by: People are lazy. If you let this theory guide all your job search efforts, you'll be way ahead of the game.  More »

Does Your Job Search Take More than 18 Minutes a Day?

Several weeks ago, I found a post that focused on an apparent claim that the average job seeker spends 18 minutes a day looking for a job. It led me to ask: How much effort do you put into your job search on an average day?  More »

Got a Question About Job Searching?

If you could ask a hiring manager one question, what would it be? Here's your chance to post your question and we'll reply with helpful answers. It can be anything about the job search, the hiring process, resume submissions, interviews, etc.  More »

Don't Go It Alone in Your Job Search

Recently, I saw the movie Up in the Air, which reveals the shock and emotional hit of being jobless and all alone. But it doesn't have to be that way. You need to cultivate a network to help support you, and guide you to that next opportunity. Here are three rules to help you succeed at networking.  More »

The Interview: It's All Business Until It Gets Personal

True story: A woman interviewed for a job with a pretty great company. She was well qualified, said all the right things, and presented herself with her best foot forward. In the end, she was perfect for the job...but there was just something missing.  More »

Seeking Job Search Inspiration? Look to Music Lyrics

I was listening to my iPod the other day when this thought crossed my mind: There must be some songs whose lyrics could inspire job seekers. Now, my music tastes go back to the '60s, '70s, and '80s, so they may not be familiar to everyone. But here are four notable songs from that broad era with a key line from each, and the job-search lessons they teach.  More »

There's Only So Much You Can Control in the Job Search

If you've been searching several months for a new job, or if you're unemployed and wondering when and where you'll be working again, you've probably had at least one moment when you questioned your abilities or wondered why you haven't been able to land a new job. Have you ever thought that it just might not be your fault?  More »

5 Steps to Assessing Your Skills for a Career Change

Changing careers has always been an option for people who want to do something different. But today, in an economy that has impacted millions of people, some are finding they need to change careers, even if they would rather not. To do that effectively, you need to match your transferable skills with the ones an employer wants. Here's a 5-step process that can help.  More »

Tell Us Your Grammar and Spelling Pet Peeves

It feels like we never shut up about how important it is to have an error-free resume and cover letter, but it's one of those topics that can't be overstated. This time, rather than think up some way to repackage the same old information, I'm asking you, dear Pongo Blog readers, to share your pet peeves in the spelling and grammar categories. And if you can, include a tip to help us all remember the right way vs. the wrong way.  More »

5 Things Job Seekers and Employers Should Do This Year

Many writers like to make predictions around this time of year. I contemplated writing a list of job market predictions for 2010, but came to realize that a list of five things employers and job seekers should do would be a more nourishing helping of food for thought.  More »
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