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Stepping Up Your Job Search

How to Choose the Best Job Offer, Part III

So you've weighed your options and successfully secured a new job. Now let's take this process a step further and develop an exit strategy to ensure a graceful departure from your current job.  More »

Job Search Virgin's Guide to Finding New Jobs Online

Are you a job search virgin, trying to get hired for the very first time? Or maybe you're a born-again virgin; you've been around the job search block plenty of times ... just not in this decade. Even if you fancy yourself to be quite the skillful job searcher, you might find these shortcuts useful when you search for jobs online.  More »

How to Choose the Best Job Offer, Part II

Last week, I showed you how to decide among multiple job offers, comparing factors like paid time off, length of commute, advancement opportunities, etc. And now that you've figured out what would be the most attractive job for you, it's time to accept one and reject the other. Here's how to do both with class.  More »

How to Choose the Best Job Offer, Part I

Wahoo! You got an offer! Your job search and interviewing strategies paid off. But wait ... what's that? You have two offers? Three? Holy cow! If this is the boat you're in, consider yourself lucky. But which one do you take? Here's a handy chart that compares two hypothetical offers that you can use as a guide to help you make your decision.  More »

Who Are You? Answer the Question, Help Your Job Hunt

Who are you? What makes you tick? The double-barreled question seemed simple enough when I heard it in a church sermon two decades ago. But the same question can also be applied to the job search. If you have a strong grasp on who you are, chances are you know what you want from your work life. If you're looking for an answer, here are three ways to find it.  More »

Dude! Where's My Job? 5 Reminders for the Class of '18

September may prove to be a bit strange for our newest college graduates, the Class of 2008. In most cases, they have spent every previous September becoming mentally prepared for yet another year of school after a summer filled with activities, earning money, and/or sleep. This year, they've joined the ranks of the employed - or at least they're trying. If you're newly degreed, still looking for that first job, and wondering why, it could be any one of five things.  More »

Bosses Won't Pan for Gold! Give 'em Big, Shiny Nuggets

When you send your painstakingly prepared resume and cover letter off to your dream employer, it's nice to imagine that the hiring manager will treat it with patience, care, and dignity. In fact, you might picture them like the old '49ers during the Gold Rush, panning for gold. Knowing there's a chance there might be some nuggets hidden in your resume, they'll carefully sift around and push aside the clutter until they locate the little sparkles among the muck. Snap out of it! That's not how it works in the real world.  More »

MVP Slugger's Attitude Provides 3 Career Lessons

I'm a diehard Red Sox fan, a formerly long-suffering devotee of a baseball team that was many times luckless - and sometimes clueless - in its quest for a World Series championship. But, thanks in no small part to slugger Manny Ramirez, the Sox changed their fortunes and won the Series in 2004, and again last year. But last month, the most valuable player in the 2004 Series had worn out his welcome in Boston, and he was traded. The circumstances leading up to and following his trade offer three valuable career lessons.  More »

Seven Lessons from a Long-Ago Layoff

Six years ago this month, I was laid off from a job - a great one with a great company - that I had held for six years. Why remember something bad? Because of the good that came out of it in the months that followed. The lesson here: If you're facing - or if you might face - a layoff, you can turn it into something positive that can rejuvenate you and your career.  More »

How to Negotiate Better Work Hours

High gas prices, family responsibilities, nightmare commute. Whatever the reason, many people are longing for more convenient work hours. And most employers will at least try to be flexible in hopes of retaining good, happy workers. Here are some ways you can try to negotiate a schedule change to benefit yourself and the company.  More »
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