
Awesome service. Have used it for years and find it user friendly and affordable. My resumes have gotten me in the doors to excellent employment. Thanks!!! ANDREA C., RN New York
I haven't had to do a
resume in nine years so I was unsure what to do and how to do it. I got the position I was seeking, am making a lot more money and would recommend Pongo to anyone. Thank you for a great service. I will definitely use you again if the occasion arises!
MARILYN L. California
...I sent my resume by email on a Friday. I received an email to come for an interview on Wednesday and finally an email to say the job was mine if I wanted it on Friday. In total only a week to find a new job. Thank you, Pongo. ANN-MARIE B. Canada

I am so glad that I utilized PongoResume.com. It is
inexpensive and very effective. It made an outstanding first impression with potential employers. It allowed me to choose which employer I wanted to work for and opened a door of opportunity that I might not have had otherwise. The time and effort it took to create my resume was so worth it!!
SHERRI M. Georgia
We've helped over 6 million people write their resumes.
Sign up and become our next Success Story!
It was awesome to be able to come back after almost 5 years have passed, and just log in and everything was still there, just as I left it!! I'm glad you were still here so I didn't have to start all over at another site. DIANE C. Indiana
I find that building a comprehensive and attractive resume is the hardest part of any job search. Pongo saved me literally hours of format experimentation and the headaches that come with trying to match the right resume with the
right job.
You guys are great! I just got a new job on Wednesday and I know this would not have been possible without the ease and simplicity of PONGO. I hope I will not have to use this site anytime soon, but this is a tool I could not live without in terms of finding a job. Thank you! KAYLA S. California
The suggestions Pongo
made with sample sentence structure and keywords helped me create a short, to-the-point resume that got me the interview. Also, Pongo helped me create an exciting cover letter that expressed my ambition and desire to be the candidate for the job position without boring [the] employer with "fluff" verbiage. Then it was up to me. Thanks Pongo! I got the job.
MARY S. New Mexico

I found Pongo
very helpful in
writing my resume,
cover letter and tracking my search activity all in one convenient place.
MICHAEL K. Massachusetts
All of the resumes that I have created using this service have been professional looking. Every job that I have applied for I have received an offer. Thank you for providing this self help tool. I feel as though I developed the skills and you gave me a great way to display them. JENNIFER S., RN Florida
This was the best, most comprehensive tool I utilized during my job search. I totally relied on Pongo to support me during the grueling process that finally landed me the job I've been waiting for. I am so happy, I can't even tell you. This is the only on-line tool anybody will need to move forward through their search and ultimately achieve their desired goal. Thank you Pongo! KRISSY M. Washington