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Stepping Up Your Job Search

General Consensus: Job Market's Still Tough

If you're looking for a job today, don't expect one to magically fall into your lap tomorrow. The government pretty much confirmed that on Friday when it said the U.S. economy grew at a lackluster 1.6 percent annual rate from April through June, less than each of the previous two calendar quarters. Here's what this means for you.  More »

So Which Is It: Web site or website?

Have you ever wondered what the correct spelling of Web site really is? Those of us who specialize in the field of Internet Communications and Web Development have often pondered that question, especially when writing a resume. Is it one word or two? Should the W be uppercase? How about a hyphen between the two words? Oh, what a tangled Web we've woven.  More »

What's Your Job Search Strategy?

Are you unemployed and actively looking for a job? Or maybe you're employed but desperately looking for a way out of the job you hate. How about employed and casually keeping an eye open for new opportunities? Whatever your reason for job searching, I want to know how you do it.  More »

Your Job Search Doesn't Always Have to Be Serious

Job searching is serious stuff, especially when you're unemployed. OK, now that I've stated the obvious, I should add that there are times in a job search when people need to loosen up a bit and laugh. Case in point: A recent post on The Onion.  More »

The Investment Approach to Your Job Search

Like a good financial investment, a successful job search takes effort, time, and money. But in a job search, you're investing in yourself, your most important asset. Here are a few suggestions for spending your effort, time, and money wisely, in order to reap the greatest dividends for your career.  More »

Tell Us Your Biggest Job Search Gripe

A job search can be frustrating, especially if you've been searching for months and coming up empty. And sometimes -- rightly or wrongly -- job seekers direct their frustration at employers over their hiring practices. But for every gripe from a job seeker, an employer has one as well about what they read and don't read on resumes and cover letters, and what they hear and don't hear in interviews.  More »

Pongo Resume's Customer Support Team Now on Twitter!

For all you social media-loving job seekers out there, Ask_Pongo is a Twitter handle specifically created for our super-helpful Customer Support Team. Their goal is to help your job search be as successful as can be, whether you're a Pongo member or not. Read on for more details.  More »

5 Reasons Why Athletes Make Great Employees

If you were an athlete in high school or college, you have several skills and attributes that would make a recruiter jump at the chance to hire you. But even if you weren't an athlete, you may have some of those traits and qualities that can help you in your job search and excel in the workforce. Here are five that can help set you apart.  More »

Job Search Need Some GAS? Try Personal Branding

Is your job search puttering along like a beat up old car? Inject some personal branding strategies into the mix to give it some GAS--Generosity, Authenticity, and Synergy!  More »

Resume Writing, Interviewing, and Networking Advice

Last Friday afternoon, I stumbled upon a post called 50 Timeless Blogging Tips. There, I spotted three quotations that are perfect for job seekers. So here's some great advice from highly accomplished people on resume writing, interviewing, and networking.  More »
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