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Reaching Work / Life Balance

Unemployed? What Do You Wish Your Friends Would Do?

Now that your job search is a few months along, the initial flow of support has probably dried to a trickle. It's not that your friends don't care anymore, but they might not know what else they can say or do to help you. It's up to you to give them some suggestions!  More »

May There Always Be Work for Your Hands to Do

It's St. Patrick's Day and, Irish or not, people in workplaces across North America are wearing green and planning after-work celebrations that include such Irish favorites as corned beef and cabbage, or a pint of Guinness.  More »

5 Ways Women Can Ditch the Overwhelm and Build a Career

It wasn't long ago when women were expected to stay home and take care of the children and household while men went to work to bring home the bacon. Of course, today, they're more likely to be harried mothers, madly juggling business meetings with kids' day-care schedules. Juggling multiple responsibilities can overwhelm even the most ambitious woman if she's not careful. Here are five keys to managing all of that while building a career.  More »

Getting Back at Employers Who Snub You

Most of us have gone through the experience of following up on a resume submission, or a promising interview with an employer that was very interested in hiring you. But then they inexplicably ignore you. Here's how one person settled the score.  More »

5 Things Job Seekers and Employers Should Do This Year

Many writers like to make predictions around this time of year. I contemplated writing a list of job market predictions for 2010, but came to realize that a list of five things employers and job seekers should do would be a more nourishing helping of food for thought.  More »

Confused about Jobs, Work, and Money? Ask a Kid

We adults may believe we're the only ones who think about our future careers or the bad economy. But here's proof that kids have some astute thoughts and opinions on such topics, too. We interviewed five children, ages 4 to 14, who are all related to Pongo employees. Their answers impressed and amused us. See if they do the same for you!  More »

Can't Spare a Dime? Volunteer Your Time

Money is obviously tight this holiday season, which means charities are likely to take a hit. If your holiday traditions usually include a monetary donation that you can't seem to make this year, try volunteering instead (and guess what--you can add that volunteer experience to your resume!).  More »

Job Seeker Q&A: Mom Looks for a Part-Time Career

A 32-year-old mother was laid off a year ago from her job as a senior administrative assistant. In this post, she talks about some of the ups and downs of her job search, and what she's been doing while she tries to get back into the workforce.  More »

Tampons, Teenage Boys, and Work-Life Balance

Work-life schmalance! I defy any parent to show me even one day when their work and personal lives are in balance. It's a constant, grueling tug-of-war. I submit, as evidence, my experience of yesterday (the day I almost ruined my son's life).  More »

One Woman's Layoff Yields a Needed Reminder

A layoff yields an important lesson: You don't need to be defined by what you do for a living. If you're jobless, there's always something else that either demands your attention or calls out for some.  More »
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