We adults may believe we're the only ones who think about our future careers or the bad economy. But here's proof that kids have some astute thoughts and opinions on such topics, too.
We interviewed five children, ages 4 to 14, who are all related to Pongo employees. Their answers impressed and amused us. See if they do the same for you!
1. What kind of job do you want to have when you grow up?
- KAITLYN, 4: Get a cat and do lots of things for her and make sure I feed her every day.
- ARIANNA, 7: Singer.
- LUCIAN, 8: Lego designer.
- COLIN, 9: I want to be a director and screenwriter because I want to make movies.
- HENRY, 14: Something to do with law or business.
2. What's the first thing you'll buy when you have a job?
- KAITLYN, 4: A little cat.
- ARIANNA, 7: A kitten.
- LUCIAN, 8: Probably a house.
- COLIN, 9: The first thing I'll buy is an apartment so I can live somewhere.
- HENRY, 14: A car of my choice.
3. How much money will you make?
- KAITLYN, 4: $100.
- ARIANNA, 7: $50.
- LUCIAN, 8: A lot.
- COLIN, 9: I think I'll make something around $50,000.
- HENRY, 14: Starting off $75,000 per year and growing to $1 million per year.
4. Who do you want to be like when you grow up?
- KAITLYN, 4: My friend Rose. My mommy.
- ARIANNA, 7: Selena Gomez.
- LUCIAN, 8: Nobody, just be myself.
- COLIN, 9: George Lucas, because he is a director and a screenwriter.
- HENRY, 14: My dad.
5. Do you think you'll always have one job, or lots of different jobs?
- KAITLYN, 4: Lots of jobs.
- ARIANNA, 7: One job.
- LUCIAN, 8: Lots of different jobs. Three.
- COLIN, 9: I think I'll have a lot of different jobs because when you work on movies you sometimes have lots of different jobs like being a producer, cameraman, and supervising producer.
- HENRY, 14: Lots of jobs.
6. When you go to work, do you want to be the boss?
- KAITLYN, 4: No.
- ARIANNA, 7: Yes because they listen to you because you are so famous.
- LUCIAN, 8: Not really.
- COLIN, 9: If I'm not the boss I won't be mad, but if I am I'll be very happy.
- HENRY, 14: Yes!
7. Which do you think will be harder: Work or school?
- KAITLYN, 4: School, because things are hard at school that I have to figure out.
- ARIANNA, 7: Work, because you have a lot of things to do.
- LUCIAN, 8: Work.
- COLIN, 9: Work would be harder because you have to focus on money and you have to work for a lot of hours.
- HENRY, 14: School, only because I have to learn what they teach instead of what might be interesting to me.
8. What does it mean when we say the economy is bad?
- KAITLYN, 4: I don't know.
- ARIANNA, 7: It's dead.
- LUCIAN, 8: What is the economy?
- COLIN, 9: When the economy is bad it means a lot of people don't have jobs and a lot of people don't have money.
- HENRY, 14: It means that there is not a lot of cash flowing through the system.
9. Do you know any grown-ups who have lost their jobs?
- KAITLYN, 4: Rachel's mommy lost her mind. [Kaitlyn, dear, ALL mommies lose their minds at least once a day. We're talking about jobs.]
- ARIANNA, 7: This is hard. Don't know. Colin's dad? [Thankfully, no. But Colin's dad now wonders what Arianna may have heard.]
- LUCIAN, 8: I think, my brother.
- COLIN, 9: Yes, my first grade teacher lost her job when I was in second grade, but luckily she got another job at a new school.
- HENRY, 14: Yes.
10. What do you think would be the hardest job in the world?
- KAITLYN, 4: Having a pet and feeding it everyday. Trying to get clothes on, it's really hard to do. Having a sister and teaching her things.
- ARIANNA, 7: Singers because they have to take a big huge breath and sing more.
- LUCIAN, 8: A policeman because you can die from that, being shot by a robber.
- COLIN, 9: I think the hardest job in the world would be a garbage man because they have to go all over the country collecting garbage.
- HENRY, 14: President of the U.S.
So there you have it. Lots of life lessons to be gleaned from these answers. For instance, the economy is dead; it's OK to just want to be yourself; and sometimes having a sister is the hardest job in the world!
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