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Reaching Work / Life Balance

Simplify Your Life and Your Job Search Will Follow

August 1-7 is Simplify Your Life Week. Maybe we should all celebrate by figuring out the few simple disciplines that we can do each day to move us closer to our own brand of success.  More »

Valuable Career Lessons from a Baseball Controversy

The other night, in a mistake heard 'round the sports world, an umpire's incorrect call robbed a pitcher of a place in baseball history. But it's the reactions of the two principals in this drama that offer valuable lessons for job seekers and job holders.  More »

New Grads: Don't Wait to Start a Retirement Fund

If you're still looking for that first job after graduation, saving for retirement may be the last thing you want to think about. But, it's actually one of the best things you can do for your future finances, even if you'll want to spend every penny of your first few paychecks and know you won't be retiring for four more decades.  More »

Poll: Is it Better to Work on Strengths or Weaknesses?

A couple months ago, my manager had our whole team take the StrengthsFinder 2.0 Assessment test. I'm a sucker for quizzes, questionnaires, and personality tests, so I was delighted. I went into it curious to find out about my strengths. What I didn't expect was that learning about my strengths would give me a whole new way of looking at my weaknesses. (They may not be so bad, after all).  More »

What Did You Learn from Your First Job?

Many of us are inclined to remember a lot of firsts in life: first kiss, first beer, first date, first car. And, of course, first job, especially the first job after graduating from college. What first job experiences do you think are most important for those who are just graduating from college?  More »

Meet Cori, a New Grad Facing Life after College

What's it like to make the transition from college to the real world? Here's the story of how one member of the Class of 2010 has prepared to find that first job.  More »

New Grads: What Did College Prepare You For?

I feel like most of my college courses were useless, unnecessary, and a waste of time and money. Don't get me wrong: College was undoubtedly an experience worth having. But just as most college students would say, college did not teach me how to grow a career, be a homeowner, or navigate my personal life around a full-time job. What did it do for you?  More »

Tell Us about the 'Wrong Turns' in Your Career

Good hiring managers will always have their antennae up during job interviews for signs of a good or bad candidate. Recognizing the difference is a skill that comes from experience, gut feel, or both. But when they ask about the wrong turns people may have taken in their careers, many candidates wind up tongue-tied.  More »

A Job Seeker's Networking Letter to Friends

Stephen H., an active job seeker from Oakville, Ontario, is fully aware of the importance of networking. He keeps his LinkedIn profile updated, attends a job seekers' networking group, and has told all his professional contacts he's looking. What he hadn't done, until recently, is reach out to his personal network, the people in his life who know him from non-work-related settings. This networking letter solves that problem.  More »

Back on the Job? Restore Your Battered Finances

Poor economic conditions, including unemployment rates near 10%, have forced many people who wouldn't normally do so to liquidate their savings and rely on credit cards to pay their bills. As the economy improves, and more people go back to work, rebuilding financial strength should be a top priority. Here's where you should begin.  More »
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