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Resume Tips And Advice

Resume Writing: That Was Then, This Is Now

Resume writing has changed in many ways since the days when typewriters roamed the earth. If you're still a bit fuzzy on the current state of the resume, here's a past vs. present rundown.  More »

The Resume That Never Sleeps

This has probably happened to you before: You lose your job or want to change jobs. Your first step is to update your resume, which you haven't since you took your last job - several years ago. This isn't new. Many of us are more inclined to be more reactive than proactive when it comes to managing our careers. But it makes sense to continually update your resume, even if you're not looking for a new job.  More »

4 Easy Steps to a Powerful Resume Objective

Despite its name, your resume Objective is not supposed to state your objective. At least not exclusively. Like every other part of your resume, the Objective should demonstrate the value you can bring to the employer. Here's an easy four-step system for building an impressive Objective that will contribute to your real objective of getting an interview and getting hired.  More »

'So, about This Gap in Your Resume ...'

It's happened to most of us: You were out of work for awhile because of one reason or another. And as you list your work experience in typical reverse chronological order on your resume, there's this time gap that a potential employer will ask you about if you're called in for an interview. But don't go into a job interview unprepared; be ready to explain the gap.  More »

Lie on Your Resume? Don't Be Stupid!

If you ever feel compelled to lie about or exaggerate anything on your resume, here's a word of advice: Don't. Even if you land a job in spite of the lie or exaggeration, there's no substitute for telling the truth. And if three recent high-profile incidents are any indication, it could damage your career.  More »

Top 10 Things to NOT Put in a Resume

With apologies to David Letterman, here's a list of top 10 things you should not put in a resume, along with possible responses from employers - well, more likely kept to themselves.  More »

Job Search Lessons I Learned on HGTV

Here's the cold, hard truth: I am an addict, and HGTV is my drug. (That's Home & Garden Television for the uninitiated). And my addiction is only partly attributable to the insanely good-looking Eric Stromer (more on him later). I'm sharing my secret with you because the real estate principles they teach on HGTV are highly relevant to job seekers.  More »

Top 100 Misspelled Words in Resumes

In my never-ending quest to learn everything there is to know about resumes, I came across the web site of the Kentucky Office of Employment & Training, which has a handy list of 100 commonly misspelled words on resumes, cover letters, and job applications. It's nice to have them all in one place.  More »

Too Many Resume Rules to Remember? Relax.

If you're a job seeker, you've probably read eleventy-billion pieces of advice about what you MUST and MUST NOT do in your resumes, cover letters, and interviews. How can you possibly remember all the rules? You know what? Relax. No one can remember ALL the rules, and not every rule applies in every situation, anyway. So take in all the advice you can stand, use what works for you, and ignore the rest. And if you're still nervous, ponder these truths  More »
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