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Perfecting Your Interview Skills

Would You Hire Yourself?

While many of us think highly of our backgrounds and what we can bring to a potential employer, at the end of the day, would you really hire yourself if the decision was in your hands?  More »

Should You Take an Interview for Practice?

There are times during your job search that you may want to take an interview simply to brush up on your interview skills, but don't take an interview with the intentions of purposefully blowing it. If you haven't been on an interview in some time, it may be a good idea to take a few interviews for jobs that you may not be interested in simply to practice your interview skills. If you decide to take this course of action, you should treat the interview as if it were for your dream job. You should take all of the same steps that you normally would for a job that you are interested in. The one thing you do not want to do is purposefully blow the interview.  More »

How to Dress Interview Appropriate on a Tight Budget

What do you think of when you think of interviewing? I think of answering a lot of tough questions and wanting to make a good first impression. The best way to make a good first impression is to dress appropriately for the company setting. For a lot of women, this can be a daunting task because they simply don't have the means to get a business appropriate outfit.  More »

Tips to Boost Your Interviewing Skills

Interviewing is a learned skill, and there are no second chances when you finally land that interview. Below you will find some helpful hints that will better prepare you to land your dream job.  More »

Ask Your Would-Be Boss These 3 Questions

If you want to land a great job with a likable boss, you need to know something about that person before your first day. To do that, start with the interview and ask these three questions to determine whether this is someone you'd want to work for. Not only will you get a good idea of the boss' personality, but interviewers will be impressed with your questions.  More »

What is an Informational Interview & How Do I Get One?

Your job search is a project: Research the industries that you would want to work in, then research specific companies in that industry. Next, start expanding your network by finding people who work at these companies. Once you identify some potential contacts, you can make the move to set up an informational interview.  More »

Top 5 Interview Questions

When an interviewer says "tell me about yourself," do you know what to say? Find out how to answer this common interview question, along with: What is your greatest weakness? What did you like least about your last job? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Tell me about a time you failed.  More »

How to Eff Up Your Followup after the Interview

Of all the frustrations in the job search process, perhaps the worst is the post-interview waiting game. When you have a seemingly great interview and then hear nothing for weeks, it can become downright unbearable. Here's how Dave the perpetual job seeker handled it.  More »

Skype Interview Tips

Usually, if an employer likes your resume and cover letter and wants to interview you, they simply call you, maybe do a phone screen, then schedule an in-person interview. But nowadays, some companies might ask you to do an online Skype interview first (and by Skype I mean any online video conferencing application). Check out Pongo's Skype Interview Tips video for helpful advice on looking your best.  More »

Sound Bites Can Help You in the Phone Interview

Sound bites--those memorable lines or slogans that jump out at you during a speech or presentation--can leave lasting impressions. In a phone interview, a sound bite can have the same effect since you must rely on your voice to make a memorable impression. Here's how you can create one--or more.  More »
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