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What I Learned as a Pongo Intern

As a soon-to-be junior at UMass Amherst and a business student in the Isenberg School of Management, I have definitely felt the pressure of nailing a great summer internship to start building a solid foundation for not only my resume, but my future. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to intern at Pongo Resume for the past two summers and gained some incredible experience. Looking back now, I learned so much more than I imagined.  More »

5 Things Nobody Tells You about the Working World

If you're about to graduate from college, or recently got your degree, you're likely about to enter the working world. And there are lessons you can only learn when you get your first job and take the first step into your career. Here are five things to keep in mind during that transition.  More »

Once You've Got the Job, Start Managing Your Career

If you just graduated from college, you've probably been focusing your energy on your job search, and not on where you'd like to be in your career in 5, 10, 20, or even 40 years. But after you land that first job is a good time to start managing your career.  More »

Rerun: What Counts as Experience on a New Grad's Resume

If you took advantage of an internship during your college years, you've already got something great to list under the Experience section of your first professional resume. But what if you don't have an internship to vouch for your experience? Fear not! Here are a few things you can add to your resume that count as experience.  More »

New Grads: Survival Tips for Day 1 of Your First Job

The positive feeling you get when you accept a job offer falls somewhere between relief and euphoria. If you're a new college graduate and still looking for that first full-time job, you may experience both. But you'll also have to adjust to a different lifestyle, starting on Day 1 at the new job. Here are five survival tips for that first day.  More »

Focus Your Resume on the Employer's Needs

If you graduated from college within the last month, submitted resumes, and received just a couple of nibbles in response, you're probably getting a little antsy. Maybe it's time to look at your resume Objective again and think of ways to improve it to persuade more employers to contact you.  More »

7 Ways a New Grad Can Stand Out in the Job Market

Everyone knows the job market is very competitive today. Employers are flooded with resumes, and many college graduates aren't doing all they can to make themselves stand out. So, here are seven ways you, the college graduate, can stand out and get called in for an interview.  More »

New Grads: Don't Wait to Start a Retirement Fund

If you're still looking for that first job after graduation, saving for retirement may be the last thing you want to think about. But, it's actually one of the best things you can do for your future finances, even if you'll want to spend every penny of your first few paychecks and know you won't be retiring for four more decades.  More »

What Did You Learn from Your First Job?

Many of us are inclined to remember a lot of firsts in life: first kiss, first beer, first date, first car. And, of course, first job, especially the first job after graduating from college. What first job experiences do you think are most important for those who are just graduating from college?  More »

New Grads: How to Prepare for Your First Interview

As a new college grad, do you know what to expect from your first job interview in the 9-5 working world? You're smart enough to know that it'll be a lot different than any job interviews you've had before, but just how different will it be? Find out in this post.  More »

Meet Cori, a New Grad Facing Life after College

What's it like to make the transition from college to the real world? Here's the story of how one member of the Class of 2010 has prepared to find that first job.  More »

New Grads: What Did College Prepare You For?

I feel like most of my college courses were useless, unnecessary, and a waste of time and money. Don't get me wrong: College was undoubtedly an experience worth having. But just as most college students would say, college did not teach me how to grow a career, be a homeowner, or navigate my personal life around a full-time job. What did it do for you?  More »

6 Job Networking Tips for New Grads

Job networking events are often intimidating for college students and graduates. But they don't have to be! The key to succeeding at a networking event is to know what to say to company representatives and how to say it. Here are six networking tips for new or recent grads.  More »

Hey Grads! No Experience? No Problem! (Sort of) Rerun

This post originally aired on March 26, 2008. The message still holds true today, so here it is again in case you missed it the first time around: I graduated from college two years ago (four now!) with the notion that having a college degree would serve in place of experience and pretty much guarantee a decent starting salary in a first job. And finding that first job was going to be a piece of cake with a degree to boast. Knowing what I know now, I couldn't have been more foolish.  More »

A Cheat Sheet for Completing Part-Time Job Applications

You'll be graduating from college this month and beginning the hunt for your first full-time professional job. Guess what? You'll need some money in the meantime. That's a perfect reason to get a part-time job. Here's some helpful info to make your part-time search a little easier.  More »

College Grads: 3 Beliefs That'll Keep You Unemployed

Many college students will discover a harsh transition from campus life to the current job market, especially the ones who falsely believe these things: 1) That their degree entitles them to a job; 2) That they'll easily land their ideal job; and 3) That they're all set if they have friends in high places. If you believe these things, then the sooner you lose these cocky assumptions, the better your chance at conducting a successful job search.  More »
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