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Strategies For Coping At Work

Learn From Your Bad Performance Review

Receiving a negative performance review can be demoralizing or even traumatic. If you think of yourself as a professional who wants to do the best job possible, you shouldn’t let a negative evaluation destroy your career.  More »

Considered Working as a Marketing & PR Coordinator?

This is a true career story as told to This interview will take you through the ups and downs you can expect as a Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator, what it takes to land the job, what you can expect to earn, and more.  More »

4 Earth-Friendly Contributions You Can Make at Work

When I'm at home, I take much more care about turning off lights, recycling, consuming less water, etc., than when I'm at work. But my attitude is changing! I came to the conclusion that since I ask my kids to recycle when they're at school, I better be fulfilling my end of the bargain at work. Here are some ways you can bring some green habits to work with you, too.  More »

Workplace Eye Safety: Practice Safe Sight on the Job

In honor of Workplace Eye Wellness Month, here are some practical safety tips to help protect your eyes on the job.  More »

How Much Do You Socialize at Work?

Most of us place some sort of value on interacting with our coworkers about stuff that has nothing to do with work. Sure, there are employers who try to discourage all socializing during the workday. So, we'd like to find out: How often you and your colleague socialize at work? Please vote in our poll and add a comment.  More »

The Workplace is No Place for a Generational Divide

A controversial blog post claims that any 20-something member of Generation Y can do a job better than anyone who's older. Here's why the post is wrong, and guilty of widening a generational divide in the workplace.  More »

How to Quit Your Job: A Pongo Rerun

Do you hate your job and just want to quit? Did you find a new job and need to quit? Once you decide you've had enough, you need to develop an exit strategy to ensure a graceful departure from your current job. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to quit your job.  More »

3 Steps to Maintaining Your Motivation Before Vacation

Oh, that wonderful V word! It seems like everyone's taking a week off here or there to get a breather from the last six months of hard work. Are you doing the same? If you are, you're likely to butt up against a lack of motivation as your vacation approaches. So if you usually find yourself struggling to make it to your last day before vacation, here are some tips to make sure your work doesn't struggle with you.  More »

If Job Seekers Can Be Flexible, Why Can't Employers?

If workers need to be flexible in their jobs and when they get laid off and look for new jobs, why can't employers show similar flexibility when they need to fill a position or hang onto someone who might look for something better after, say, a year?  More »

What To Do When Your Boss Messes with Your Workload

Here's a scenario: Your boss emails you about a project she wants to hand over to you, one that had always been her responsibility. Adding insult to injury, it's not even part of your regular job. The problem here? You're swamped with your regular projects and can't see how you'll be able to fit this new one into your schedule. By outlining your priorities, you can determine if you can handle this new project, or if you have to push back and ask your boss to come up with another solution. Here's how.  More »
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