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6 Ways to Revive Your Job Search Resolutions Today

Jason at I Wear Your Shirt

Do you feel like pulling the plug on your New Year's resolutions because you haven't made enough progress? That's fine if you resolved to clean out your closets. You can try again next year. But if your resolution is to find a new job, giving up is not an option.

Fortunately, you're in for a fresh jolt of energy and motivation because today is... PONGO DAY at!

If you visit the web site today (Friday, 2/4/11), you'll see the IWYS team wearing Pongo t-shirts while live tweeting, recording video, having fun, and promoting Pongo's theme of "Don't give up on your resolution to find a new job!"

Career experts from Pongo will call in to answer questions from viewers between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m. Eastern time

Meanwhile, here are five more tips to help you ramp up your readiness and maintain your mojo as you work to make your job search resolutions come true:

  • Keep your resume up to date.  Create and save a master resume that includes everything you might want to tell an employer. Then, when a specific opportunity arises, all you have to do is tweak the wording to target that employer's specific needs.
  • Know what to expect.  You can't predict exactly what an employer will ask, but you can boost your confidence and knowledge by learning the most common interview questions, especially the tough ones, and preparing answers that show your potential value.
  • Practice interviewing before the interview.  A job interview is a one-shot, make-or-break opportunity. If you're just winging it, you won't be at your best. Once you've planned how to answer common questions, practice with a friend until you can answer them easily.
  • Focus on the employer's needs.  In your resume, cover letter, and interviews, don't focus on what you want or what your old duties were. Employers want to know what you can do for their business and why you'd be a good fit.
  • Network, network, network.  Keep your LinkedIn profile up to date, but be sure to step away from the computer, too. Don't be shy about telling people you're seeking opportunities. If they don't know of any job openings, they might know someone who can point you in the right direction. You'll never know if you don't ask.

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