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Super-Easy Method for Writing a Targeted Resume

Most of us prefer to do things as quickly and easily as possible, as long as we don't sacrifice quality. Am I right? So here's a form that will make it quicker and easier to translate a job posting into a targeted resume (and cover letter) that shows the employer what a good candidate you are.

When you find a job opportunity you want to pursue, fill out this form as completely as you can. The more you know about the employer's wants and needs for the job, the easier it will be to submit a resume and cover letter that targets them specifically.

(Download a printer-friendly version of the form.)

Job Details

   Company Name: ______________________________________

   Job Title: ____________________________________________

   Job No. or Code (if any):  ______________________________

   How You Found Out About Job:  __________________________

   Salary Range (actual or estimated): ______________________

Contact Information

   Person's Name: _______________________________________

   Title & Dept:  _________________________________________

   Email:  ______________________________________________

   Phone:  ______________________________________________

   Fax:  ________________________________________________

   Address: _____________________________________________

Documents Requested Submission Method
        ____ Resume         ____ Email Attachment
        ____ Cover Letter         ____ Apply Online
        ____ Work Samples         ____ Fax
        ____ References          ____ Postal Mail


   Years of Experience:  ___________________________________

   Education:  ___________________________________________

   Licenses, Certifications (if any):  __________________________

   Other: _______________________________________________

Desired Skills, Personal Traits, Keywords, etc.








Here's a sample of how it might look once it's filled out:


Once you have all this information, it's much easier to craft a resume that matches the employer's terminology, speaks to their specific business needs, and illuminates your qualifications for this particular job at this particular company. 

Build a Targeted Resume Form (printer-friendly PDF)
Write a Targeted Cover Letter for Every Job
15 Stress Relievers for Resume and Cover Letter Writing
How Do I Get Employers to Notice My Resume and Call Me? 

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