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College Career Centers You Should Follow on Twitter

If you asked me if my college career center was helpful when I was in school, I'd have to say no. And a lot of college graduates would agree, either because their own colleges' career centers were a joke, or they just didn't care enough to use them. It depends on who you ask (I would blame my experience on the latter).

BUT, (yes, there is a "but") career centers are well aware of this unhelpful stigma, and some are going the extra mile to change it. They're turning to resources like Twitter, knowing that students and alumni are likely using the site already.

Not every college is following this trend, but here's a short list of the ones we found that are. NOTE: You don't have to be a student or alum of these schools to reap the benefits of their Tweets.

  • @LUCareerSvcs
    Lewis University – Illinois Twitter
  • @UCSBcareer
    University of California (Santa Barbara) Twitter
  • @CCSUCareer
    Central Connecticut State University Twitter
  • @PennCareerServ
    University of Pennsylvania Twitter
  • @UIScareercenter
    University of Illinois Springfield
  • @WSCCareers
    Westfield State College – Massachusetts
  • @ASCCareerOffice
    Alfred State College – New York
  • @BUCareerService
    Boston University
  • @CareerCenter_LU
    Lindenwood University – Missouri
  • @HireOSUgrads
    Oklahoma State University
  • @BSUCareerCenter
    Boise State University – Idaho
  • @LUCCareer
    Loyola University – Chicago
  • @UWCareerCenter
    University of Washington
  • @UGACareerCenter
    University of Georgia
  • @UOCareerCenter
    University of Oregon

If you follow any that aren't on this list, please share them in a comment below!

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