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I needed a professional resume fast
NAME Stacy D.
Pongo’s interview with Stacy D.
What industry do you work in?
Sales-Crop Insurance.
How long have you worked in this industry?
Since February 22, 2009.
What parts of your job search do/did you find most challenging?
Actually this job search was not challenging at all. It fell into my lap one day when I was working the job I had at the time.
How did you find out about
I was searching the internet for a resume builder and stumbled on several with Pongo being one of them.
How did Pongo specifically help you in your job search?
Pongo helped me clinch the position.
If you looked at similar web sites, what was it about Pongo that made you realize it was the best solution?
I chose Pongo because it was the site that was the easiest for me to maneuver and I loved the live help - they were very helpful. I needed a professional resume fast and Pongo was the best fit.
Are there any tips or advice you'd like to share with users who are just discovering Pongo's tools and resources?
My best advice for job seekers is to keep their ears open and pay attention to what people are telling you - they just might be offering an opportunity for a new job. Pongo provided a hassle-free experience, from getting my resume to canceling my subscription after I received the new job. I would recommend Pongo as a great source with experienced staff and easy site maneuvering.
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