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Two Harsh Truths about Your Job Search

Ever wonder how many resumes you'll have to send out before you get at least one interview? Or how many interviews you'll need to suffer through before someone extends a job offer?

Nobody likes to hear bad news, but here are two harsh truths that every job seeker needs to hear and understand.

Scenario #1: You don't get a response on your resume submission.

The Hard Truth: They were not impressed with your resume and won't be calling you for an interview.
Less Painful Possibility: They haven't started the interview process yet, so follow up for a month or two until you're fed up with being ignored (or they finally respond).

Scenario #2: At the end of your interview, they say "we have a few more candidates to interview."

The Hard Truth: They don't think you're the right person and they're not going to hire you.
Less Painful Truth: You were the very first candidate they interviewed and even though they liked you, they want to see what else is out there to make sure you're the best fit (or not).

No matter how often you follow up, how precise your job-search tactics, or how many laughs you share with the interviewer, the truth is, most times the job is not going to work out. Remember these hard truths, and instead of getting discouraged, get back to the drawing board, keep sharpening your resume, cover letter, and interviewing skills, and give it time!

How well can you identify with these scenarios? Vent your frustrations here.

The Resume Mistake Even Savvy Job Seekers Make
How to Blow the Interview Before You Say a Word
Interview 'Signs' Can Be Misleading

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