Anyone looking for a part-time job needs to figure out exactly what they want and need out of it, whether it be certain days of the week, specific hours, a particular hourly wage or wage range – whatever.
No matter what you're looking for, finding and landing the right part-time job is a whole different game from searching for full-time, salaried employment.
Before you begin your search for part-time work, make a checklist of your priorities. Here's an example:
- Cannot work weekends
- Need health insurance
- Minimum $12/hour
- Must have on-site day care
Once you have your priorities straight, you'll know what to ask potential employers in your quest to find the ideal arrangement. Here are some ideas:
- What days (or nights) do they need you to work?
- Will you be guaranteed a certain number of hours each week?
- Is it seasonal?
- Will you be able to apply for benefits?
- What is the hourly wage and is there room for merit increases?
- Could it eventually lead to a full-time position?
- How many sick days and vacation days do they grant?
Figure out how all of these answers fit into your own needs and expectations. Employers of part-time positions understand that your requirements for the job are just as important as theirs, so it's okay to find out all the details before you agree to an interview (you wouldn't do this for a full-time position!). If it's not what you're looking for, then you don't want to waste your time or theirs.
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Can't Get Hired? Consider Temp or Contract Work
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